Aram Sargsyan

Aram Sargsyan

Aram Sargsyan was born on January 2, 1961 in the village of Ararat in the Ararat region.
Mr. Sargsyan graduated with a degree in civil engineering from Yerevan Polytechnic Institute in 1989.
From 1980-1982 he served in the Soviet Army. For the next four years he worked first as a foreman, later laboratory head, then assistant to the chief engineer and even­tually chief engineer in Araratardshin Trust. From 1993-1998 he worked first as an assis­tant to the director, later he was appointed deputy to the general director, administra­tive director and eventually became the general director of the Araratcement Complex. From 1999-2000 he was prime minister of the RA and from 2000-2002 he was the gen­eral director of Araratcement CJSC. He is a member of Yerkrapah Volunteer Union.
On May 25, 2003 he was elected to the NA from the proportional list of the Justice Alliance and he was on the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit, Budgetary and Economic Affairs. He was a member of the Justice Faction and the politi­cal board of the Republic Party.
Mr. Sargsyan is married and has three children.

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