Kingdom of Vaspurakan

Kingdom of Vaspurakan

The Kingdom of Vaspurakan (Վասպուրական) was one of the prominent Medieval Armenian kingdoms. This kingdom’s territory largely overlapped with the Vaspurakan province of Greater Armenia. Located in what is now eastern Turkey (Western Armenia) and northwestern Iran, the region is often considered the cradle of Armenian civilization due to its rich history and cultural significance.


The Vaspurakan was predominantly ruled by the Artsruni dynasty, which first established a principality in the area. In 908, the principality of Vaspurakan was elevated to the status of a kingdom. The kingdom spanned the lands between Lake Van and Lake Urmia (Kaputan) and remained under the suzerainty of the Bagratuni Kingdom of Ani, marking the beginning of its prominence.

Kingdom of Vaspurakan
Kingdom of Vaspurakan

The territory of the kingdom covered the regions between Lake Van and Lake Urmia, spanning an area of approximately 40,000 square kilometers. By the early 11th century, the population of Vaspurakan reached nearly one million.

Vaspurakan Province of Great Armenia
Vaspurakan Province of Great Armenia

Vaspurakan was elevated to the status of a kingdom in 908, when Gagik I of Vaspurakan was recognized King of Armenia by the Abbasids and at first was on their side, but soon he regretted and together with Ashot II defeated the Arabs. Soon he was recognized as the King of Vaspurakan by the Bagratuni Ashot II. In 1021 Seneqerim Artsruni gave Vaspurakan to the Byzantine Empire, receiving Sebasteia and its surroundings. Vaspurakan became the Byzantine province (thema) of Vasprakania or Media. In 1054-1056  Vasprakania was conquered by the Saljuq Turks.

Gagik I sculpture at Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Аghtamar
Gagik I sculpture at Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Аghtamar

During the 13th century, parts of Vaspurakan were liberated by the Zakarids, but they were soon conquered by the Mongols and later by the Ottoman Turks.

Cultural and Historical Legacy

Vaspurakan was a cultural and architectural center, often referred to as the “Heart of Armenia.” It was home to numerous churches, monasteries, and fortifications, many of which displayed intricate Armenian craftsmanship. The kingdom’s court moved frequently between major cities such as Van and Vostan, reflecting its decentralized administrative style.

Dynastic Legacy

The Artsruni dynasty remained influential even after the annexation of Vaspurakan by the Byzantine Empire. Many members of the family held prominent positions within the Byzantine administration or continued to govern smaller territories. Legends suggest connections between the Artsruni family and other royal houses, highlighting their enduring legacy.



Hamazasp II, Prince (800–836). Married to a daughter of Ashot Msaker of the Bagratuni family.
Ashot I Abulabus Artsruni, Prince (836–852). Son of Hamazasp II. First time.
Gurgen I Artsruni, Prince (852–853). Brother of Ashot I.
Abu Djafar Artsruni, Prince (853–854). Probably brother of Ashot I.
Gurgen II Artsruni of Mardastan, Prince. (854–857). Distant relative.
Grigor-Derenik Artsruni, Prince (857–868). Married Sofia, daughter of Ashot I Bagratuni the Great, Prince of Armenia. Son of Ashot I Artsruni. First time.
Ashot I Abulabus Artsruni, Prince (868–874). Second time.
Grigor-Derenik Artsruni, Prince (874–887). Second time.
Gagik Abu Morvan Artsruni, regent for Grigor-Derenik’s sons (887–896), then usurper prince (896–898).
Ashot-Sargis Artsruni (Ashot II), Prince (898–900). Son of Grigor-Derenik.
(Vaspurakan occupied by the Sajid emir Afshin (900).)
Safi, as governor of Van (900–901).
Ashot-Sargis Artsruni (Ashot II) (901–904). Reinstated. Afterhis death Vaspurakan is divided:
Gagik III (I) Artsruni, Prince (later king) in northwest Vaspurakan (904–908).Brother of Ashot-Sargis.
Gurgen III Artsruni, Prince in southeast Vaspurakan (904–925). Brother of Ashot-Sargis.


Gagik I (III) Artsruni, crowned king (908-925 northwestern part, 925-943 all Vaspurakan)
Derenik-Ashot (Ashot III), King (943–953). Son of Gagik I.
Abusahl-Hamazasp, King (953–972). Brother of Derenik-Ashot I.
Ashot-Sahak (Ashot IV), King (972–983). Son of Abusahl-Hamazasp.
Gurgen-Khachik (Gurgen IV), King (983–1003) and Lord of Antzevasiq. Brother of Ashot-Sahak.
Seneqerim-Hovhannes, Brother of Ashot-Sahak, King (1003–1021) and lord of Rechtuniq. Brother of Gurgen Khatchik.


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